Пользователь в черном
Не знаю, зачем это надо, но попробую
This interface is reminding me of the past.
Things that I barely remember -- partly because I don't want to, partly because I simply can't.
IDK, people, it was so long ago...
I was so different back then -- and things were so different around me.
And yet.
I can't shake that feeling that I will wake up at some point and it would be all a dream.
But it won't.
It is real.
And whatever I do, it will be.
You know what?
Being unmotivated sucks. Like seriously, fucking royally SUCKS.
First time in my life I think I am unmotivated with a need to be motivated.
Before, either the doom was upon us and I was fucking motivated to avert it, or I was somewhat peacefully decomposing in peace and it was enough for me to just slog around in relative sleepiness.
Now I (more like Copilot on autopilot lol) had written the simple program in Python to make me fucking work as if I am a fucking slave and some other me is a fucking slavedriver -- at once.
How deep I had fallen, my dear Internets or what's left of them...
As I said. Sucks.
But I think it is somewhat necessary since I refuse to live on my own.
Fuck the cosmonautics day.
In the end, the Soviet space thought and school was just a dead-end, doomed to become what it had become.
Nuff said.
22nd of December.
What was 2022 for me?
The Shitty Year?
I could not pick a name shitty enough.
On 24th of February, it all ended abruptly. I try not to think what's next, I only know that it would take at least several years for the survivors to return to more or less normal life in Ukraine -- and things would not, while this generation lives, return to normal in russia again. My darkest prediction about the russian culture and politics were eclipsed by this collective suicide.
I don't really think about space anymore, because we didn't really make it as a race, maybe if we survive this Cold War, we might stand a chance again.
I could only try to balance between escape and action.
Violets are violet,
Roses are black.
We mourn ourselves,
There's no running back.
(Это, конечно, не хокку, но именно оно подумалось мне, когда взгяд упал на очередную старую фотографию)
Что-то происходит.
Сон, я помню сон.
Вернее, я вспомнил о нем с утра, и отмел как обычный, выражающий мои подсознательные вещи, которые мне известны.
"Он был в чем-то прав. Я всегда долго пытаюсь вспомнить, в чем именно, а потом вспоминаю. Он был прав в том, что нужно несколько агентов для принятия решений, и тебе их неоткуда взять, кроме как из своей головы. Но он пошел неправильным путем, он всегда трудно _контролировал_ свои желания."
Некоторые сны я не хочу видеть.
Словами сложно описать некоторые вещи в нашей с вами жизни.
Фрэг для меня немного как омут памяти -- то, что я здесь написал, можно чуть-чуть забыть.
Плюсовая температура.
Облака скрывают происходящее.
Я один.
Какая-то у меня апатия. Абсолютно ничего не хочу делать. Слава Богу сегодня суббота. Я встала примерно часа полтора назад, по тому что чуть ли не до трех ночи перечитывала любимую книгу. И еще ко мне пришло вдохновение, но я не могу написать ничего нормального из-за того, что я застряла в на каком-то дурацком разговоре, который не помню когда написала, и уже даже не помню о чем он! Блин, я забыла, что ничего еще не ела сегодня. И о черт ,я нихрена не вижу, а очки найти не могу. Жизнь - боль. Надеюсь глаза придут в себя через какое-то время ._.
What !F users say
Only today learnt about !F and created an account. Have to admit, this site is interesting and special, indeed. The idea is quite the thing! I'll be keeping my diary in spite of anything. I like this anonymity so much!
I really enjoy reading other participants, it's so much more sincere here than in any social network.
Such a funny idea, to keep an online diary, which can be read by anybody - and nobody at the same time.
I like a lot that there are no comments on !F. Here I have an impression that I am writing just for myself. I have less concern that my message will be evaluated.
I like Fragmenter very much. Now I have extra motivation to change. It's a big difference – just write to myself in a paper notebook, or write in order to share my thoughts.
Fragmenter is cool – I start to think once and again why I'm so depressed and how I came to be like that.
Туле 🌱
Fragmenter is the best thing that happened to me this year!
Aart 🐦