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September 22, 2014 12:54

vin icis qartuli?

September 22, 2014 12:44

Back from the center, but did not start making the food yet, because I managed to cut my both index fingers. The hell does it happen to me that often...
The pictures for N are still loading, it's been three hours or more. That's long!
Fall colors are at their best now, we need to shoot, me & M. And I mean it. In a week there will be nothing to shoot, just dull grayness left.
Spirits help me.

September 22, 2014 12:15

Плюх. В ванну

September 22, 2014 11:50


September 22, 2014 11:10

working, fucking, working, no time to write but the condition is ok

September 22, 2014 09:17

OK, so I sent the pictures to N, she's been waiting for them for a month. Terrible me.
Had sex with M. He's good at it, yeah.
Now on to collecting myself and to the center. Then food for the kids. And some white wine.
And then... we'll see.

September 22, 2014 09:09


September 22, 2014 08:26

Something's wrong with me, right?
I really must work and I'm ... just not doing anything.
I can't even

September 22, 2014 07:05


September 22, 2014 06:05


September 22, 2014 04:46

Рисую, повторяю яп, англ слова. Мне седня лень сюда писать.
Пойду качать попу с моим любимым:

September 22, 2014 04:45

Ра­бочая не­деля

Не­нави­жу по­недель­ни­ки,
Сут­ра не прос­нешь­ся,
Вок­руг все на­зываю без­дель­ни­ком,
От то­го что ни­как не прей­дешь в се­бя.

Поп­ро­ще во втор­ник,
К ра­боте на­чина­ешь при­выкать.
Как бы уже пус­ка­ешь кор­ни,
Как бы на­чина­ешь вни­кать.

И вот, пол ра­бочей прош­ла,
И чувс­тву­ешь се­бя в сво­ей та­рел­ке,
Мно­го­обе­ща­ющая сре­да,
Даль­ше все прой­дет по мнгно­вен­ке.

Чет­верг, рыб­ный день,
И вправ­ду, в цен­тре все как ры­бы,
Тол­ка­ют­ся, соз­да­ют друг дру­гу миг­рень,
Пы­та­ют­ся к кон­цу сор­вать при­быль

А по­том сут­ра всё мол­чит.
Ра­бота­ют, не ис­пустив ни ре­чи,
Что по­том… Вы толь­ко пос­лу­шай­те, как зву­чит:
«Пят­ни­ца ве­чер!»

September 22, 2014 04:43


September 22, 2014 04:36

Long sleep is a good recovery after orgasms and fatigue. I can't feel the same pleasure in the body as before but at least the body is relaxed and there are some pleasant sensations. Realized that in any situation - after orgasms, upon arising of serious problems etc - I can feel better just by avoiding sticking to negative reactions - worries, preoccupations, endless thoughts about it and so on. Looking from aside helps, detachment also. Under any unfavourable conditions I can live and feel better.

September 22, 2014 04:31


September 22, 2014 03:29

Tomtit - синица
Magpie - сорока
Bullfinch - снегирь

September 22, 2014 02:40


September 21, 2014 23:18


September 21, 2014 18:21

Нет ни одной превосходной души без примеси сумасшествия

September 21, 2014 18:16

After coming back home I realized that I feel comfortable while laying, thinking, reading, chatting and I am not so sleepy. It means that after 2 orgasms I had almost no power and desire to work cause it's pretty boring, but when a sexy strip dancer came to talk to me I was quite vigorous and now also laying on the bed I feel OK.
Also the desire of personality development came back. I want to fix fragments, fight against negative emotions, study languages, read etc.

September 21, 2014 17:30

клево было бы иметь хвост)

September 21, 2014 17:14

a laziest weekend. slept till 10, cooked a tastiest meal, did some sports and changed a power outlet in the kitchen. now it's a double and i can use an extra light bulb at the same time with other electrical appliances, which is really timely considered the dark half of the year is coming. speaking to a friend of mine, noted reasons why i like driving fast and using bookish words. complexes. all above activities were a perfect excuse to do nearly nothing about the course paper (due 3 weeks ago). no obvious excuse not to tell my ex-boyfriend we are not in a relationship any more. i don't want to harm him, he's having tough time. or it's laziness? or fear of being bad to someone?

September 21, 2014 17:12


September 21, 2014 17:10


September 21, 2014 16:41

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Only today learnt about !F and created an account. Have to admit, this site is interesting and special, indeed. The idea is quite the thing! I'll be keeping my diary in spite of anything. I like this anonymity so much!

I really enjoy reading other participants, it's so much more sincere here than in any social network.

Such a funny idea, to keep an online diary, which can be read by anybody - and nobody at the same time.

I like a lot that there are no comments on !F. Here I have an impression that I am writing just for myself. I have less concern that my message will be evaluated.

I like Fragmenter very much. Now I have extra motivation to change. It's a big difference – just write to myself in a paper notebook, or write in order to share my thoughts.

Fragmenter is cool – I start to think once and again why I'm so depressed and how I came to be like that.
Туле 🌱

Fragmenter is the best thing that happened to me this year!
Aart 🐦