
З нами с 10 Листопада 2019

I missed the psychology discussion board again because there are no notifications about it, and I don’t check every module I’m studying every single fucking day

at this point, I don’t even care anymore, the main goal is just to pass this shit

the organization of this module annoys me more and more

28 Лютого 2025, 14:20

I have just fried cheesy pancakes with yoghurt and these are the most delicious pancakes I've ever made in my life

maybe I just need to try savoury recipes because any type of sweet dough seemingly hates me

25 Лютого 2025, 01:59

I feel like shit

20 Лютого 2025, 00:17

I need to search for a flat for the next academic year and talk to my flatmates about it

I need to do something about a fungal infection (?) on my skin

America is in a fucking mess

I don't even live in America

I started the no-doomscrolling challenge, but so far, it’s only making me more anxious

17 Лютого 2025, 15:01

I had my first pulsating headache in a few months

I often forget to feel grateful for my body feeling okay, but I should

it's a real privilege to live without pain

12 Лютого 2025, 11:27

yesterday, I was so immersed in photos and videos from my dodgeball game that I missed my bus stop

and as if that weren’t enough, halfway home, I realized I had also left my shopper on the bus with the groceries I had just bought

how can I be academically successful yet unable to concentrate on such trivial things at the same time?

01 Лютого 2025, 10:11

a random girl in the toilet complimented my trousers yesterday, and today I'm wearing these trousers again

28 Січня 2025, 10:20

1) never buy skimmed milk again

2) especially if you're going to make a protein shake with pure whey protein

3) if you've already made a protein shake with skimmed milk, you can fix your mistake by adding Baileys to it

I think somewhere on my health journey, I took a wrong turn...

28 Січня 2025, 00:46

I was flossing and...

a bit of whatever it was between my teeth just... jumped out of my mouth, reflected from the mirror and went into my eye

and I can't take it out

I want to disintegrate myself

16 Січня 2025, 23:41

I wake up at 9, have breakfast, count my calories, write notes for a seminar on literary theory, go for a run, do strength exercises, mix a protein shake, commute to university, talk about literary theory for an hour and a half, go grocery shopping, commute home

6.5 hours of my life are gone

now I need to attend a meeting about Ukrainian visas, cook dinner, and do homework for my Spanish classes

I'm just studying, trying to eat healthy and stay active, and it takes up all my time

how do people also have jobs and a social life

16 Січня 2025, 16:16

I will transition into 2025 in 8 hours

at the moment, I'm walking around town keeping an eye on K. (he's high on mdma)

this year, I started my second higher education and my second official relationship

I also began learning my 4th language and started exercising to become stronger and healthier

so far, it looks like I'm heading in the right direction

please, 2025, don’t fuck me up

31 Грудня 2024, 15:35

I'm experiencing violent diarrhoea in a McDonald's toilet 20 minutes before my optician appointment, life isn't great at the moment

20 Грудня 2024, 11:59

one of K.'s rats died, and the others don't look good either; we don't even have vets for small pets here

they're not my pets, but it was obviously sad to see, and unpleasant to notify him about it

now I have a tiny corpse in the apartment, and after he's back from work, we're going to bury it

a disturbing reminder of the mortality of all living things

11 Грудня 2024, 12:16

I haven’t been able to sleep normally for 3 days straight because of nightmares and sleep paralysis

I don’t know what’s going on; maybe my brain has decided to release all the anxiety and tension from the 1st semester

my uni is facing terrifying budget losses, and our principal resigned - like a rat abandoning a sinking ship

my favourite eng lit teacher won’t have any hours to teach next semester due to the budget cuts

I still don’t know what the basis for Ukrainians' visa extensions will be or whether I’ll be granted one

K. keeps talking about how we’re inching closer to ww3 every day

I guess these are the reasons behind my struggles with sleep...

06 Грудня 2024, 18:32

the rain has been pouring for a few hours straight, and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to stop anytime soon

I’m drinking Irish cream (the cheap version of Baileys) in bed and feeling so unmotivated to do anything

I’m thinking about skipping the rest of the cleaning and not doing laundry either... maybe I’ll just pack my dirty clothes with the clean ones and wash everything at home all together

I do need to finish "Fun Home" today tho; tomorrow I have to return all the library books in case someone wants them while I’m out of the city

I also need to wash my hair, pack my bags, and try to prepare for tomorrow’s Spanish exam

I got a B on the last one, which is fine, but I want an A

03 Грудня 2024, 18:29

I just found an ungodly amount of black mold under my window frames and almost puked while cleaning it

I never even looked at those spots because I didn’t know mold could grow there!

back in Ukraine, I never had this problem - probably because the air was drier... and in my sponsors' house… I don’t know? maybe the building was constructed differently?

anyway, I wasn’t even able to clean all of it, and now I’m terrified that I’ll have to pay extra for cleaning when my contract ends

I’m already paying double the normal price just because it’s student accommodation, plus I have my own toilet… which is obviously a luxury...

03 Грудня 2024, 15:59

I can't believe December started

I will be 24yo soon

01 Грудня 2024, 23:54

had a kinda productive day, a nice conversation with a friendly woman from Vietnam at my bus stop, then a pint of cider with the mycology society

but on the way back to my accommodation, I was sinking into depression

I hate these mood swings, and I don’t know what triggers them

what did I do wrong today? drank a pint of cider? talked about spouse visas? discussed rent prices?

maybe I’m subconsciously annoyed about K.’s comment regarding me not writing “I” in the phrase “love you”?

I want to drink more - I have wine in the fridge - but I’ll feel terrible tomorrow, and I can’t allow that

I have a project presentation and a long study session, many hours of essay writing ahead of me

26 Листопада 2024, 22:03

I had an extremely productive night yesterday, and I’m in a good mood today, ready to get lots of things done

but I feel like when I’m happy and doing well here, it creates distance between me and K. because he’s clearly unhappy without me

his emotional dependency on me makes me uncomfortable sometimes, but I’m going to enjoy my life while I can; if he feels this way, it’s not my responsibility to fix it, I have enough of my own mental health issues that I can’t fully control

23 Листопада 2024, 17:24

my tooth crown fell out

at 6pm on workday, only one (!!!) pharmacy in the city was open, and they didn’t have dental cement to fix it

I can’t register with a new dentist here because they’re all full (only private practices with crazy prices are available)

it’s not considered an emergency because I’m not bleeding or in severe pain (I won’t feel pain - I don’t have nerves in most of my teeth)

and recommendations say I can’t eat or drink until the crown is back... do they want me to starve?

anyway, I ate and had a beer... tomorrow, I’ll try to ask my uni’s dental department to accept me as a guinea pig and have other students fix my tooth

I hope I don’t lose it

13 Листопада 2024, 01:06

mood of the day: the old lady who walked past me in the park and said, "good day! kind of'"

06 Листопада 2024, 15:35

I've had small red dots and bruises all over my legs for a few weeks now

it either means I'm somehow getting microtraumas without noticing, or I'm in the early stages of blood cancer

choose your fighter

29 Жовтня 2024, 00:54

I'm very anxious before travelling, as usual

the first bus coincides with my last class today, and I’m going to tell about that directly and leave the class early

but what's the point of living if you pass up opportunities for new emotions and experiences because of pointless worrying

I’m going to live fully while I can

18 Жовтня 2024, 11:00

9:20am on Saturday

I'm alone in the whole university library

12 Жовтня 2024, 08:20


smart sociable sleep deprived

09 Жовтня 2024, 02:00



Відгуки користувачів !F

Лише сьогодні дізналася про Фрагментер і створила аккаунт. Хочу визнати, сайт дійсно цікавий і незвичайний. Ідея - саме те, що треба. Буду вести свій особистий щоденник незважаючи ні на що. Як же подобається ця анонімність.

Так подобається читати записи учасників! Тут набагато щиріше, ніж у будь-якій соц мережі.

Цікава ідея - вести онлайн-щоденник, який можуть читати всі й водночас ніхто.

Мені дуже подобається, що на !F ніхто не коментує. Є враження, що я пишу це для себе; зменшується стурбованість тим, що повідомлення буде оцінено.

Фрагментер дуже подобається. З'явилася додаткова мотивація змінюватися: є велика різниця - писати тільки собі в блокнот чи писати в загальний доступ.

Фрагментер прикольний - уже кілька разів з'являлися думки про те, з чого я такий депресивний і чому я таким став.
Туле 🌱

Фрагментер – найкльовіше, що зі мною сталося цього року!
Aart 🐦