
З нами с 10 Листопада 2019

I found out I've been eating undercooked mushrooms all this time... no wonder I had stomach cramps...

after I read the instructions for our oven for the first time, I was absolutely sure I needed to keep the oven door open on tilt while cooking

today, my flatmate said he always cooks with the door closed; I wanted to show him the instructions, aaand... it says "always keep the door closed while cooking"

how am I supposed to analyse literature if I can't read an oven instruction

my brain just decided to replace the most important word with an antonym

cooked mushrooms properly for the first time today, hopefully, no cramps

12 Липня 2024, 22:46

cooked an enormous breakfast first thing in the morning: fried chicken filet, mashed potatoes, tomatoes, and cheese; ate everything with raw pressed juice and felt that moral satisfaction again

it's wonderful when you decide what you eat, not your budget, poor time management, or cravings for unhealthy food

finished my poetry analysis and watched a film for a film genres class (b&w, boring af)

the lecturer explained his expectations for our next assessment very clearly today, so I don't feel lost with this subject anymore

the only negative thing today so far was my classmate; she sat right in front of me and was chewing loudly the whole time

I wanted to bang her head on the table tbh

12 Липня 2024, 16:14

almost started to unwrap the theme of death and loss in a poem, chose a few quotations, all because of the first line "take this kiss upon the brow!"

then realised that no one kisses corpses on the forehead in the UK

it would be a very Slavic analysis of a poem

12 Липня 2024, 01:30

got mashed potatoes from one of my flatmates and the poem's analysis from another one (she decided to write about the same poem)

I don't really need help with this assessment and I'm definitely not starving, but it's nice to feel that people around me are ready to help anyway

received an email from my creative writing teacher just now; she assures me that the format of my writing doesn't matter as long as I keep exploring different genres

so I guess it's a hint to try to write contemporary poetry at least once, but overall my preferences shouldn't be an issue

I'm going to try this tomorrow just out of curiosity — will she like it much more than my other pieces?

11 Липня 2024, 21:56

slept no more then 5 hours today, drank 3 (?) cups of coffee, had my first normal meal around 6pm

seems like I didn't meet the criteria of my creative writing teacher with the stuff I worked on last night

sent her an email asking to clarify the marking criteria for me, no answer yet

my next assessment deadline is tomorrow at 4pm, it's English literature and so far this is the only subject that doesn't make me feel stupid (I literally studied literature in another country for 4 years, and I will be a complete failure if I don't pass this course with a good grade)

went to Tesco after classes, buying stuff completely without additives gives me satisfaction

11 Липня 2024, 19:33

sleepy and hungry

academic skills lecturers asked us for a feedback, and some people wrote "it's easier then I thought", "I'm proud of myself", "I'm eager to learn"

I wrote "I'm not as smart as I thought I was"

I have a 3 hours gap between classes, going to sleep for another 2 hours

11 Липня 2024, 09:08

I've done everything on the list for today (for the night)

3 hours left before my alarm goes off

but I'm very pleased with myself because I managed to write an actual poem on the base on my previous homework (prose) and ChatGPT thinks its written in iambic tetrameter and pentameter

whatever you say, AI, I want to believe you

11 Липня 2024, 04:25

need to finish my pieces of writing for tomorrow but I don't have any inspiration

I don't even know how to write poetry in my native languages, what am I doing here

nausea; I ate a whole bag of crisps before a nap

it was a mistake, because after refusing to eat UPF for a long time this kind of "food" doesn't sit well in my stomach

need to do laundry and shower too and only want to go sleep again

10 Липня 2024, 22:59



Відгуки користувачів !F

Лише сьогодні дізналася про Фрагментер і створила аккаунт. Хочу визнати, сайт дійсно цікавий і незвичайний. Ідея - саме те, що треба. Буду вести свій особистий щоденник незважаючи ні на що. Як же подобається ця анонімність.

Так подобається читати записи учасників! Тут набагато щиріше, ніж у будь-якій соц мережі.

Цікава ідея - вести онлайн-щоденник, який можуть читати всі й водночас ніхто.

Мені дуже подобається, що на !F ніхто не коментує. Є враження, що я пишу це для себе; зменшується стурбованість тим, що повідомлення буде оцінено.

Фрагментер дуже подобається. З'явилася додаткова мотивація змінюватися: є велика різниця - писати тільки собі в блокнот чи писати в загальний доступ.

Фрагментер прикольний - уже кілька разів з'являлися думки про те, з чого я такий депресивний і чому я таким став.
Туле 🌱

Фрагментер – найкльовіше, що зі мною сталося цього року!
Aart 🐦